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Modern Trends in Paediatrics


Kiadó: Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd.
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Vászon
Oldalszám: 385 oldal
Sorozatcím: Butterworths Modern Trends Series
Kötetszám: 2
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 25 cm x 17 cm
Megjegyzés: Néhány fekete-fehér fotóval, ábrával. További szerzők a kötetben.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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MODERN TRENDS IN PAEDIATRICS (Second Series) A book which is devoted to modern trends should be concerned as much with the advances of the future as with those of the immediate past. This is the view of the editors of this second series on paediatrics and in consequence the contributors have discussed signiflcant problems within their specialized fields, speculating freely on the developments of the future. It is not only to the paediatrician but to the generál practitioner that parents look for advice and in turn both paediatrician and practitioner are concerned with the care of the healthy child as weil as the sick. These are the considerations which have dictated the tone of the whole book and it will prove of the utmost value not only on accourit of the discussions of recent advances, but because the work contains much factual information in tabular and chart form which is not easily obtainable elsewhere. This includes mortality statistics, gene mutation and carrier rates,... Tovább


MODERN TRENDS IN PAEDIATRICS (Second Series) A book which is devoted to modern trends should be concerned as much with the advances of the future as with those of the immediate past. This is the view of the editors of this second series on paediatrics and in consequence the contributors have discussed signiflcant problems within their specialized fields, speculating freely on the developments of the future. It is not only to the paediatrician but to the generál practitioner that parents look for advice and in turn both paediatrician and practitioner are concerned with the care of the healthy child as weil as the sick. These are the considerations which have dictated the tone of the whole book and it will prove of the utmost value not only on accourit of the discussions of recent advances, but because the work contains much factual information in tabular and chart form which is not easily obtainable elsewhere. This includes mortality statistics, gene mutation and carrier rates, details of corticosteroid therapy, classification of epilepsy, electrolyte changes in infancy and childhood, aminő acid contents of biological fluids, radioactive isotopes used in clinical research and growth charts. Vissza


Megvásárolható példányok
Modern Trends in Paediatrics Modern Trends in Paediatrics Modern Trends in Paediatrics Modern Trends in Paediatrics Modern Trends in Paediatrics

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