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The World in 1984 1.

The Complete New Scientist Series


Kiadó: Penguin Books Ltd
Kiadás helye: Harmondsworth
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 215 oldal
Sorozatcím: Pelican Original
Kötetszám: A720
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 11 cm
Megjegyzés: Néhány fekete-fehér ábrával. További kapcsolódó személyek a könyvben.
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The World in 1984 Volume 1

New Scientist recently carried through what must rank as one of the most extraordinary publishing coups of this century, when it commissioned almost a hundred leading international authorities in many different fields literally to look into the future. The result was a series of articles as fascinating as the best science fiction shorn of the fantasy.
The World in 1984 now for the first time brings these articles together in two volumes. In an effort to forecast accurately the developments of the next twenty years, they look beyond science and technology to politics, trade, the arts, and other fields. Their intention is entirely serious - to build up as true a picture of the world in 1984 as the best information of today will allow.
Here, filled out with facts, is 'the prophetic soul of the wide world, dreaming on things to come.'
Cover design by Denis Neale


science and human goals
A British view: Working with what we know by Professor Lord Todd
An American view: The scientist in public affairs by Professor 1.1. Rabi
The less-developed world : How can we be optimists ? by Professor Abdus Salam
fundamental science l8
Towards a better understanding of natural forces by Sir
John Cockcroft Dynamical systems in physics and biology by Professor
Norbert Wiener A crisis in evolution by Prof essor Joshua Lederberg
astronomy and space exploration 29
A new physics out of astronomy ? by Professor Fred Hoy le Scientific purposes in space by Professor Sir Harrie Massey Telecommunications in space exploration by Gerald C. Gross Exploration to the farthest planets by Dr Wernher von Braun
natural resources 43
Mineral ores : A challenge to Europe by Pierre Laffitte Learning the value of water by Dr Michel Bâtisse A new balance between man and nature by Professor François Bourliere
Orchestrating the use of land by E. M. Nicholson
food and agriculture 59
The race will not yet be won by Dr B. R. Sen
Farming as a science-based industry by Sir William Slater
Beware the malnutrition of affluence by ProfessorJohnYudkin
fuel and power 7o
World energy prospects by Sir Harold Hartley The uses of energy by Dr J. Gueron New sources of electricity by Dr Ian Fells
materials and manufacture 84
Designing the materials we need by Professor R. A. Smith Stronger steel for wider purposes by W. E. Duckworth Working with new materials by Sir Denning Pearson High-speed automatic workshops by Pierre Bezier
oceans 100
New and richer marine harvests forecast by Professor Sir
Alister Hardy Working deep in the sea by Edwin A. Link A long view from the beach by Dr Roger Revelle
weather and climate 105
Steady progress in techniques of forecasting by Sir Graham Sutton
The World Weather Satellite System by Dr S. Fred Singer Meteorology and human activity by D. A. Davies
chemicals 129
Plenitude from petroleum by Professor H. W. Slotboom Chemistry and living organisms by Professor Koichi Yamada The ascendancy of giant molecules by Professor Giulio Natta
computers 139
The customer's ideal computer by Lionel de Bournonville The banishment of paper-work by Dr Arthur L. Samuel A world dominated by computers ? by Dr M. V. Wilkes
telecommunications i51
Private television instead of travel by Dr J. R. Pierce Decentralization by telecommunications by J. D. Clare Mass communications in 1984 by Sir Gerald Barry
Market needs and technical possibilities by Dr M. J. Lighthill
Travelling by air in 1984 by Pierre Satre
Towards complete safety in the air by R. M. Macdonnell
The prospects for hover transport by C. S. Cockerell
The railways of tomorrow by Camille Martin
Roads and traffic in 1984 by Sir William Glanville
How big will ships become ? by ProfessorYoshihiro Watanabe
Manufacture by tissue culture by Dr N. A. Mitchison Changing cell heredity by Professor G. H. Beale Bio-engineering: opportunity without limit by Professor
R. M. Kenedi Isolating cell machinery by Professor Robert Brown
Notes on the contributors
Megvásárolható példányok
The World in 1984 1. The World in 1984 1. The World in 1984 1. The World in 1984 1. The World in 1984 1.

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