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Privilege and Liberty and Other Essays in Political Philosophy


Kiadó: Lexington Books
Kiadás helye: Lexington
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 187 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 23 cm x 15 cm
ISBN: 0-7391-0077-7
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Series Editors: Harvey Mansfield, Harvard University,
1 rivilege anci lid erty "Conservative and Revolutionary Ethos,"
and Other Essays in remarkfe^??a 7pears,for
' the rirst time m bnglish. 1 he volume also
Po liticai 1 illlosopny includes a sympathetic evaluation of Michael
Oakeshott's Rationalism in Politics and an
Edited and with an introduction incisive criticism of Jacques Maritain's efforts
by Daniel J. Mahoney to synthesize Christian orthodoxy and pro-
With a foreword by Pierre Manent gressive politics.
We are currently witnessing an increasingly Privilege and Liberty and Other Essays in
influential counterrevolution in political Political Philosophy is a searching critique of
theory, evident in the dialectical return to political utopianism, as well as a pathbreaking
classical political science pioneered most articulation of conservative constitutionalism
prominently by Leo Strauss and Eric Voegelin. as the true support for human liberty properly
In this... Tovább


Series Editors: Harvey Mansfield, Harvard University,
1 rivilege anci lid erty "Conservative and Revolutionary Ethos,"
and Other Essays in remarkfe^??a 7pears,for
' the rirst time m bnglish. 1 he volume also
Po liticai 1 illlosopny includes a sympathetic evaluation of Michael
Oakeshott's Rationalism in Politics and an
Edited and with an introduction incisive criticism of Jacques Maritain's efforts
by Daniel J. Mahoney to synthesize Christian orthodoxy and pro-
With a foreword by Pierre Manent gressive politics.
We are currently witnessing an increasingly Privilege and Liberty and Other Essays in
influential counterrevolution in political Political Philosophy is a searching critique of
theory, evident in the dialectical return to political utopianism, as well as a pathbreaking
classical political science pioneered most articulation of conservative constitutionalism
prominently by Leo Strauss and Eric Voegelin. as the true support for human liberty properly
In this context, the work of relatively understood. It is a major contribution to
unknown Aurel Kolnai is of great importance. Christian and conservative political reflection
Kolnai, one of the greatest thinkers of the in our time, twentieth century, placed the restoration of
commonsense evaluation and philosophical Aurel Kolnai (1900-1973) was a distin-
realism at the center of his philosophical and guished moral and political philosopher. His
political itinerary. books include The War against the West
(1938), Ethics, Value and Reality (1977), The
Daniel J. Mahoney presents Kolnai's major Utopian Mind and Other Papers (1995), and
writings in political philosophy, which explore Political Memoirs (1999). Daniel J. Mahoney
his thoughtful critique of progressive or egali- is associate professor of political science at
tarian democracy. The title essay contains Assumption College. He is the author of The
Kolnai's fullest account of the limits of liberty Liberal Political Science of Raymond Aron
understood as emancipation from traditional, (1992) and DeGaulle: Statesmanship, Grandeur
natural, or divine restraints. "The Utopian and Modern Democracy (1996) and the editor
Mind," a précis of Kolnai's critique of utopi- of Modern Liberty and Its Discontents by Pierre
anism, appears here for the first time. Manent (1998). Vissza


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