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Bertrand Russell's America


Róla szól

Kiadó: The Viking Press, Inc.
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Vászon
Oldalszám: 371 oldal
Sorozatcím: Richard Seaver Book
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 16 cm
Megjegyzés: Néhány fekete-fehér fotóval.
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Bertrand Russell's
by Barry Feinberg ?Ronald Kasrils
"If we had an adequate system of immigration, that bum could not land within a thousand miles," ranted one New York politicai figure in 1940, at a tirine when Bertrand Russell's views on sexual morality proved too advanced for some Americans.
Russell's relationship with this country, which spanned three-quarters of a Century, was always a volatile one. By the ti me of his death in 1970, Russell was held, by some, to be obsessively anti-American. For those who think of him in that light, this, the first of two volumes covering the full span of Russell's love-hate relationship with the United States, will come as a révélation. It is a relationship that begins with the horse-and-buggy days, giving Russell's first impressions of and experiences in America during his initial visit in 1896. It takes the reader with him on his six subséquent trips to or sojourns in the United States at a number of key periods in its... Tovább


Bertrand Russell's
by Barry Feinberg ?Ronald Kasrils
"If we had an adequate system of immigration, that bum could not land within a thousand miles," ranted one New York politicai figure in 1940, at a tirine when Bertrand Russell's views on sexual morality proved too advanced for some Americans.
Russell's relationship with this country, which spanned three-quarters of a Century, was always a volatile one. By the ti me of his death in 1970, Russell was held, by some, to be obsessively anti-American. For those who think of him in that light, this, the first of two volumes covering the full span of Russell's love-hate relationship with the United States, will come as a révélation. It is a relationship that begins with the horse-and-buggy days, giving Russell's first impressions of and experiences in America during his initial visit in 1896. It takes the reader with him on his six subséquent trips to or sojourns in the United States at a number of key periods in its history: World War I, Prohibition, the Depression, Roose-velt's New Deal, and World War II, when Russell spent several years in America.
As far back as the 1920s, many Americans were hailing Russell as "an inspiration to progressive forces in this country, " which he undoubtedly was. If, subsequently, hostile (Continued on back flap) Vissza


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