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Wall Street People

True Stories of Today's Masters and Moguls


Kiadó: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott kemény papírkötés
Oldalszám: 342 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 23 cm x 16 cm
ISBN: 0-471-23809-0
Megjegyzés: További szerzők a kötetben.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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Wall Street has a pantheon of fascinating heroes—and
downright villains—who have shaped the face of the con-
temporary investment world and transformed a narrow
street in lower Manhattan into a cultural icon recognized the
world over. Who hasn't heard of the achievements and
exploits of legends such as Warren Buffett, John Neff, Alan
Greenspan, Peter Lynch, John Meriwether, Michael Milken, or
George Soros and wondered what the people behind the
deeds (or misdeeds) were really like, what they really did,
and how?
Wall Street People is a marvelous collection of fasci-
nating profiles of the most interesting, powerful, and
talked-about financial luminaries ever to light up the
investment world. From influential money managers to inge-
nious private investors, and from rising stars to fallen
heroes, these financial heavyweights have created and per-
formed the great roles on Wall Street—with brilliant stories
of money won and lost, amazing... Tovább


Wall Street has a pantheon of fascinating heroes—and
downright villains—who have shaped the face of the con-
temporary investment world and transformed a narrow
street in lower Manhattan into a cultural icon recognized the
world over. Who hasn't heard of the achievements and
exploits of legends such as Warren Buffett, John Neff, Alan
Greenspan, Peter Lynch, John Meriwether, Michael Milken, or
George Soros and wondered what the people behind the
deeds (or misdeeds) were really like, what they really did,
and how?
Wall Street People is a marvelous collection of fasci-
nating profiles of the most interesting, powerful, and
talked-about financial luminaries ever to light up the
investment world. From influential money managers to inge-
nious private investors, and from rising stars to fallen
heroes, these financial heavyweights have created and per-
formed the great roles on Wall Street—with brilliant stories
of money won and lost, amazing financial coups, blind
ambition, and brazen cons.
Going behind the image, Wall Street People provides a
close look at the personal and professional lives of these
powerful, financial personalities and offers inside glimpses
into where they got their starts, how they attained their suc-
cess, what keeps them going, and what earned them
fame—or in certain cases—notoriety. Here are portraits of
such well-known personalities as:
WARREN BUFFETT—the investment genius whose skill
enabled him to become one of America's wealthiest
SIEGMUND WARBURG—the refugee from Nazi Germany who
led the transformation of London's financial markets
JOHN TEMPLETON—the self-made man who established a
distinguished record in investment management and
amassed a billion-dollar fortune
BERG—who converted Goldman Sachs from disaster in
1930 to global leadership in 2000
EDWARD C. JOHNSON 2nd AND 3rd—as father in the 1940s
and, later, son in the 1960s, led Fidelity from managing $3
million in 1943 to nearly $900 billion today
LARRY TISCH—who parlayed the purchase of a resort hotel
into a major American fortune
MICHAEL BLOOMBERG—the engaging, hard-driving, irrev-
erent entrepreneur who made a fortune servicing investors'
need for data and transformed the world's markets
JACK DREYFUS—the founder of the billion-dollar Dreyfus
Fund and the idea of performance investing
JOHN NEFF—the longest running, most successful mutual
fund manager in history
JONATHAN BELL LOVELACE—the gentle genius who took
over a troubled mutual fund in the 1930s and, with his son
as successor, developed what is now recognized by profes-
sionals as the world's leading investment management
Revealing, captivating, and at times surprising, the
profiles in Wall Street People offer you a rare glimpse of the
masterminds behind Wall Street's wheeling, dealing, and
everyday dynamics. This unique collection of profiles will be
savored by all who are fascinated by or curious about the
adventures of finance and investment—and the most sig-
nificant people who made it happen.
CHARLES D. ELLIS served 28 years as managing partner of
Greenwich Associates. He has taught courses in investment
management at Harvard Business School and Yale School of
Management; served as a trustee on the investment com-
mittees of Phillips Exeter Academy, Yale University, and the
Whitehead Institute; and as chairman of the Association for
Investment Management and Research (AIMR).
JAMES R. VERTIN was the founding manager and chief
investment officer of Wells Fargo Investment Advisors—
which grew to be Barclays Global Investors, one of the world's
largest investment firms. He has long served as a leader in
the investment profession's organization. Jim and Charley
have enjoyed over 30 years of friendship and have produced
two prior books together. Vissza


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