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Kiadó: Pan Books
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 736 oldal
Sorozatcím: Shardlike
Kötetszám: 6
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 11 cm
ISBN: 978-1-4472-8918-0
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'History never seemed so real' NEW YORK TIMES
Summer 1546
King HeiSryVIII is slowly, painfully dying. His Protestant and Catholic councillors are engaged in a final and decisive power struggle; whoever wins will control the government of Henry's successor, eight-yeap-oid"Prince Edward. As heretics are hunted across London, and the radical Protestant Anne Askew is burned at the stake, the Catholic party focus their attack on Henry's sixth wife, Matthew Shardlake's old mentor. Queen Catherine Parr.
For the Queen has a secret. She has written a tolifessional book. Lamentation of a 5mnei) so radically Protestant that if it came to the King's attention it could bring both her and her sympathizers
: When th^JbooJk inexpUcably vanishes, and a single page is found clutched in the Hand of a murdered printerj Shardlake is, summoned to Whitehall Palace to help the desperate Queen. His loyaBy will -driueJiim into a swirl of intrigue inride die pdlace, where ?^aClioli^^... Tovább


'History never seemed so real' NEW YORK TIMES
Summer 1546
King HeiSryVIII is slowly, painfully dying. His Protestant and Catholic councillors are engaged in a final and decisive power struggle; whoever wins will control the government of Henry's successor, eight-yeap-oid"Prince Edward. As heretics are hunted across London, and the radical Protestant Anne Askew is burned at the stake, the Catholic party focus their attack on Henry's sixth wife, Matthew Shardlake's old mentor. Queen Catherine Parr.
For the Queen has a secret. She has written a tolifessional book. Lamentation of a 5mnei) so radically Protestant that if it came to the King's attention it could bring both her and her sympathizers
: When th^JbooJk inexpUcably vanishes, and a single page is found clutched in the Hand of a murdered printerj Shardlake is, summoned to Whitehall Palace to help the desperate Queen. His loyaBy will -driueJiim into a swirl of intrigue inride die pdlace, where ?^aClioli^^ enemies and Protestant friends can be equally dangerous, and ^e ^political opportunists, w^o wiM folfo^^^ wind wherever li Wows, - more dangemus than either . . ; , : - : - Vissza

C. J. Sansom

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