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5000 Ft
a(z) 5000Ft-os

André Kertész

Róla szól

Kiadó: Könemann Verlags GmbH
Kiadás helye: Köln
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Vászon
Oldalszám: 95 oldal
Sorozatcím: Aperture Masters of Photography
Nyelv: Angol   Német   Francia  
Méret: 21 cm x 21 cm
ISBN: 3-89508-611-8
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér fotókkal.
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"I write with light," André Kertész once said of his work. In one of the medium's longest, most productive careers, he created a vast and lyric narrative that shaped the history of photography.
The first proponent of the small-format 35-millimeter camera, Kertész created stunning images of everyday moments, memories, and scenes. His role in the art world was marked by periods of rapturous acclaim and times of regrettable neglect. In pre-World War II Paris, he was recognized as a pioneer in the médium and a celebrated member of a milieu that included Piet Mondrian, Fernand Légér, and Tristan Tzara. Subsequently, he was known as the inspiration to a generation of photographers, in-cluding Man Ray, Brassaí, László Moholy-Nagy, and Berenice Abbott. In later years, however, he endured long periods of obscurity. It was not until the early 1960's that a subsequent generation began to look anew and recog-nize Kertész's genius.
Through more than sixty years of photographing, he worked... Tovább


"I write with light," André Kertész once said of his work. In one of the medium's longest, most productive careers, he created a vast and lyric narrative that shaped the history of photography.
The first proponent of the small-format 35-millimeter camera, Kertész created stunning images of everyday moments, memories, and scenes. His role in the art world was marked by periods of rapturous acclaim and times of regrettable neglect. In pre-World War II Paris, he was recognized as a pioneer in the médium and a celebrated member of a milieu that included Piet Mondrian, Fernand Légér, and Tristan Tzara. Subsequently, he was known as the inspiration to a generation of photographers, in-cluding Man Ray, Brassaí, László Moholy-Nagy, and Berenice Abbott. In later years, however, he endured long periods of obscurity. It was not until the early 1960's that a subsequent generation began to look anew and recog-nize Kertész's genius.
Through more than sixty years of photographing, he worked without pretense, using the camera to question, to record, and to preserve his relationships to the world and to his art. Collected here are the finest images from his life's work.

»Ich schreibe mit Licht«, sagte André Kertész einmal über seine Arbeit. In einer der lángsten und produktivsten Karrieren dieses Fachs schuf er ein umfassendes lyrisches Erzáhlwerk, das die Geschichte der Fotografie geprágt hat.
Als erster Verfechter der 35-mm-Kleinbildkamera schuf Kertész erstaunliche Bilder alltáglicher Momente, Erinnerungen und Szenen. Seine Rolle in der Kunstwelt war geprágt von Phasen stürmischen Beifalls und Zeiten bedauerlicher Vernachlássigung. Im Paris der Vorkriegs-zeit war er als Pionier seines Faches anerkannt und als Mitglied einer Szene gefeiert, zu der Piet Mondrian, Fernand Légér und Tristan Tzara gehörten. Spáter galt er als inspirierende Kraft einer Fotografengeneration, der Vissza

Carole Kismaric

Carole Kismaric műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Carole Kismaric könyvek, művek
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