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Current Opinion in Psychiatry 1988 May/Jun

Psychotherapy and psychoanalysis/Substance misuse Volume 1, Number 3 May/Jun


Kiadó: Gower Academic Journals, Ltd.
Kiadás helye: Philadelphia
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött kemény papírkötés
Oldalszám: 132 oldal
Sorozatcím: Current Opinion in Psychiatry
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 25 cm x 19 cm
Megjegyzés: További kapcsolódó személyek a kötetben.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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Current Opinion in Psychiatry
Aims and organization
The Current Opinion journals were developed out
of the recognition that it is increasingly difficult for
clinicians and researchers to keep... Tovább


Current Opinion in Psychiatry
Aims and organization
The Current Opinion journals were developed out
of the recognition that it is increasingly difficult for
clinicians and researchers to keep up to date with
the expanding volume of information published in
their subject. Current Opinion in Psychiatry aims to
help the reader by providing in a systematic man-
ner: (1) the views of experts on current advances
in psychiatry in a clear and readable form, (2)
selections annotated by experts of the most
interesting papers from the great wealth of origi-
nal publications and (3) exhaustive bibliographic
Division of the subjects into sections
The subject of psychiatry is divided into a number
of major sections and each of these sections is
reviewed once a year. Each issue contains two or
three of the major sections, and these are listed
on the cover (e.g. psychoses neurosciences). Each
section is reviewed by leading authorities who are
asked to write reviews and to select those papers
which, in their opinion, were of particular interest.
The amount of space devoted to each section is
related to its importance and the volume of original
publishing in the field.
Scanning the literature
The Editorial Board of the journal select and con-
tinually update the list of primary journals which
publish papers relevant to psychiatry (the complete
list is printed at the back of each issue). The con-
tents pages of these primary journals are scanned
by specialists in the field and every relevant paper
is assigned to at least one of the sections. After
suitable checking, this bibliographic information is
entered into the publisher's own database and is
available to the section editors and reviewers.
Selection of topics to be reviewed
Editors for each section, who are major authorities
in the field, are appointed by the Editorial Board.
They divide their section into a number of top-
ics ensuring that the subject is comprehensively
covered and all issues of current importance are
emphasized. Section editors commission reviews
from leading workers in the relevant fields on each
topic they have selected.
Reviews and reviewers
Reviewers write short review articles in which they
present developments in their subject, emphasizing
those aspects which in their opinion are of the
greatest importance. In addition, they select and
provide short annotations of those papers which
they consider of the greatest interest from all those
published in their subject over the previous year.
This selected bibliography is printed at the end of
each review.
The section editor writes a short overview at the
beginning of the section to introduce the reviews
and to draw the reader's attention to any particu-
larly interesting developments.
Bibliography of the current world literature
At the back of each issue a complete bibliography
is printed of all papers relevant to the sections
included in the issue (whether selected by the
reviewers or not) which have been published
over the previous year in all the primary journals
scanned. The bibliography is grouped according to
topics and listed alphabetically within each topic.
Any paper chosen by a reviewer as being 'of inter-
est' or of outstanding interest' is clearly identified.
The complete bibliography is followed by a list of
the primary journals.
Subject index
A subject index is printed at the end of each
Annual contents
In the last issue of each volume (Nov/Dec) the
contents of all the issues are listed and cumulative
indexes of subjects and authors are provided. Vissza


Current Opinion in
Volume 1 Number 3 May/Jun 1988
Psychotherapy and psychoanalysis
S. Bloch Psychotherapy and psychoanalysis: overview 275
J. Holmes Transference and counter-transference 277
J. Maratos Self psychology 284
J.D. Frank Specific and non-specific factors in 289
A.H. Auerbach and Diagnosis in assessment for psychotherapy 293
A.R. Childress
J.M.G. Williams Cognitive therapy and anxiety disorders 299
R. D. Hinshelwood Psychotherapy in an inpatient setting 304
M.O. Aveline The relationship of drug therapy and 309
Substance misuse
J.S. Madden Substance misuse: overview 315
D.W.Goodwin Genetics of alcoholism 317
R.R. Jacobson Cerebral damage in alcohol dependence 323
D. J. Nutt Alcohol anxiety and phobias 330
J. Peachey Alcohol-sensitizing drugs 335
J. Chick Treatment of alcoholism 341
M.H. Lader Benzodiazepine dependence 346
D.C. Mathers and Cannabis and psychiatric disorder 350
A.H. Ghodse
J. Strang Debates and developments in the treatment of 353
opioid dependence
Current world literature
Psychotherapy and psychoanalysis 361
Substance misuse 381
Index to subjects 405
Megvásárolható példányok
Current Opinion in Psychiatry 1988 May/Jun Current Opinion in Psychiatry 1988 May/Jun Current Opinion in Psychiatry 1988 May/Jun Current Opinion in Psychiatry 1988 May/Jun

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