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A Grammar of the Ugaritic Language


Kiadó: Koninkiljke Brill NV
Kiadás helye: Boston
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött keménykötés
Oldalszám: 330 oldal
Sorozatcím: Handbuch der Orientalistik
Kötetszám: 28
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 16 cm
ISBN: 90-04-12293-1
Megjegyzés: A sorozat neve angol nyelven: Handbook of Oriental Studies.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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yiElMi^^ ¦
Ugaritic, discovered in 1929, is a North-West Semitk laiiguage, documented on clay tablets (about í 250 texts) ánd datcd from the period betgen the I4th and the I2thcenturies B c e. The documents are of various types: literary,administrative,íexicological. Numerous Ugaritic tablets contain portions of a poetic cycle pertaining to the Ugaritic pantheon. Another part, the administrative documents, shed light on the organization of Ugarit, thus contributinggreatly to ourunderstandingöf the history and culture of the biblical and North-West SemMeworld. This important reference work, a revised and translate/d edition of the author s Hebrew publication (BeerSheva, 1993), deals with the phonology, morphology and syntax of Ugaritic. The book contains alsó an appendix with text selections.
Dániel Sivan, Ph. D., is Professor of Biblical Hebrew and North-West Semitic languages at BeetSheva University; he alsó teaches at Bar Ilan
University.Hispüblicationsincludestudies... Tovább


yiElMi^^ ¦
Ugaritic, discovered in 1929, is a North-West Semitk laiiguage, documented on clay tablets (about í 250 texts) ánd datcd from the period betgen the I4th and the I2thcenturies B c e. The documents are of various types: literary,administrative,íexicological. Numerous Ugaritic tablets contain portions of a poetic cycle pertaining to the Ugaritic pantheon. Another part, the administrative documents, shed light on the organization of Ugarit, thus contributinggreatly to ourunderstandingöf the history and culture of the biblical and North-West SemMeworld. This important reference work, a revised and translate/d edition of the author s Hebrew publication (BeerSheva, 1993), deals with the phonology, morphology and syntax of Ugaritic. The book contains alsó an appendix with text selections.
Dániel Sivan, Ph. D., is Professor of Biblical Hebrew and North-West Semitic languages at BeetSheva University; he alsó teaches at Bar Ilan
University.Hispüblicationsincludestudies pngrammaticalaspectsof Biblical Hebrew and Ugaritic. Vissza

Daniel Sivan

Daniel Sivan műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Daniel Sivan könyvek, művek
Megvásárolható példányok
A Grammar of the Ugaritic Language A Grammar of the Ugaritic Language A Grammar of the Ugaritic Language

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