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A Biography of Jean Delay

First President of the World Psychiatric Association

Róla szól

Kiadó: Excerpta Medica
Kiadás helye: Amszterdam
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Varrott keménykötés
Oldalszám: 120 oldal
Sorozatcím: History of the World Psychiatric Association Series
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 22 cm x 15 cm
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér fotókkal.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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A Biography of Jean Delay Jcan Dclay was the president of the tirst World Congress of Psychiatry and the first president of the World Psychiatric Association that was created in 1950 under the name: "International Association for the Organization of World Congresses of Psychiatry". This book brings a deseription of the most important aspects of his biography, both personal and professional. Jean Delay, together with Pierre Deniker and J. M. Harl, discovercd the antipsychotic activity of chlorpromazine in acutely psychotic patients. Once this first neuroleptic was diseovered, the era of psychopharmacology could start. This dramatically changed psychiatry worldwide: the number of beds diminished steadily as most of the therapeutic activities now took place while the patients, even acute psychotic ones, lived with their families and their community. The diseovery of chlorpromazine rcpresented the true gateway to modern psychiatry. Jean Delay was alsó a psychiatrist who tried during his... Tovább


A Biography of Jean Delay Jcan Dclay was the president of the tirst World Congress of Psychiatry and the first president of the World Psychiatric Association that was created in 1950 under the name: "International Association for the Organization of World Congresses of Psychiatry". This book brings a deseription of the most important aspects of his biography, both personal and professional. Jean Delay, together with Pierre Deniker and J. M. Harl, discovercd the antipsychotic activity of chlorpromazine in acutely psychotic patients. Once this first neuroleptic was diseovered, the era of psychopharmacology could start. This dramatically changed psychiatry worldwide: the number of beds diminished steadily as most of the therapeutic activities now took place while the patients, even acute psychotic ones, lived with their families and their community. The diseovery of chlorpromazine rcpresented the true gateway to modern psychiatry. Jean Delay was alsó a psychiatrist who tried during his brilliant professional life to reconcilc the biological and the psychosocial aspects of psychiatry. The best illustration is the metaphor he used regularly: the Janus bifrons effigy - two taccs, looking in opposite directions, but which are destroyed if the head they constitute is separated in two. Last but not least, Jean Delay, the incessant worker, was alsó a man of letters. He was a writer who invented two new ficlds; psycho-biographv and socio-biography. For his "La Jeunesse d'Andrc Gidc'\ he w as elected member of the " Académie frangetise" in 1959. Jean Delay was an extrcmelv talented man, who worked very hard to humanise the conditions of eare of the mentái patients. He fulfilled his passión for literature as well. A true role model for the young generation of psvehiatrists worldwide. The author: Driss Moussaoui is Professor of Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine, as well as the Chairman of the Ibn Rushd University Psychiatric Centre in Casablanca, Morocco. He held the position of Secretarv for Meetings of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) from 1996 to 2002. He alsó initiated the WPA Jean Delay Prize, with the logistical help of Scrvier. The Jean Delay Prize is the largest in psychiatry (40,000 eurós), and is awarded to the individual or team who best help britige the gap between biological and psychosocial aspects of psychiatry. Vissza



Driss Moussaoui

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A Biography of Jean Delay A Biography of Jean Delay A Biography of Jean Delay A Biography of Jean Delay
4.580 Ft
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