
kiadvánnyal nyújtjuk Magyarország legnagyobb antikvár könyv-kínálatát

A kosaram
5000 Ft
a(z) 5000Ft-os

Flashes in the Night

A Collection of Stories from Contemporary Hungary

Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról
Értesítőt kérek a sorozatról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


Flashes in the Night
A collection of stories from
Edited by
William Juhasz and Abraham Rothberg
The Hungarian Revolution was an event
whose repercussions have not yet been
fully appreciated, and whose influence has
by no means been fully exhausted. There
had been revolts in the Soviet empire be-
fore—in East Berlin, in Pilsen in Czecho-
slovakia, and in Vorkuta and Karaganda
in the USSR itself—but none touched the
heart and mind of the world as did the
Hungarian freedom fight.
What preceded that gallant struggle
against the Russian tanks in Gyor, Mis-
kolc, and Budapest? What motivated the
children who threw Molotov cocktails at
tanks? What made Army officers, stu-
dents, workers, writers—people the Com-
munists most counted on—rebel against
Soviet tyranny and imperialism?
flashes in the night gives some of
the answers to these questions by portray-
ing the feel of Hungarian life and the
temper of the Hungarian people in the
days... Tovább


Flashes in the Night
A collection of stories from
Edited by
William Juhasz and Abraham Rothberg
The Hungarian Revolution was an event
whose repercussions have not yet been
fully appreciated, and whose influence has
by no means been fully exhausted. There
had been revolts in the Soviet empire be-
fore—in East Berlin, in Pilsen in Czecho-
slovakia, and in Vorkuta and Karaganda
in the USSR itself—but none touched the
heart and mind of the world as did the
Hungarian freedom fight.
What preceded that gallant struggle
against the Russian tanks in Gyor, Mis-
kolc, and Budapest? What motivated the
children who threw Molotov cocktails at
tanks? What made Army officers, stu-
dents, workers, writers—people the Com-
munists most counted on—rebel against
Soviet tyranny and imperialism?
flashes in the night gives some of
the answers to these questions by portray-
ing the feel of Hungarian life and the
temper of the Hungarian people in the
days before that spontaneous eruption in
the Budapest of October, 1956, which, for
a few moments in history, brought free-
dom to Hungary. These stories not only
cover many aspects of Hungarian life-
showing the reader more of this fenced-
off world than any political study could—
but they are also a roster of the finest lit-
erary talents in contemporary Hungarian
letters. Some, like Tibor Dery, are still
imprisoned for their roles as inspirers of
the October Revolt. Others still refuse to
write, in what the Communists have called
a "conspiracy of silence." Their stories
are part of the revelation of life in Hun-
gary as lived by ordinary human beings.
For every reader, these stories will be
"sparks of truth"—flashes in the dark night
of Communism. Vissza


Megvásárolható példányok
Flashes in the Night Flashes in the Night Flashes in the Night Flashes in the Night Flashes in the Night

A védőborítón tulajdonosi pecsét látható. A védőborító kissé szakadozott, elszíneződött, kopott.

8.480 ,-Ft
42 pont kapható