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The 42nd Parallel


Kiadó: Washington Square Press, Inc.
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 467 oldal
Sorozatcím: Washington Square Press
Kötetszám: W 700 60C
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 16 cm x 10 cm
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér illusztrációkkal.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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John Dos Passos' trilogy U.S.A. is "a cornerstone in modern American fiction." It has now been made avaiiable in three paper-bound volumes by Washington Square Press, Inc. Each of the three volumes-The 42nd Parallel, 1919 and The Big Money-is a complete and separate növel and each contains many illustrations by Reginald Marsh and an Introduction by Maxwell Geismar. ONE OF THE GREAT AMERICAN NOVELS BY ONE OF AMERICA'S GREATEST NOVELISTS The 42nd Parallel, by John Dos Passos, is a work of dazzling brilliance. It telis the story of Mac, an ideálist who fled to Mexico to escape his shrewish wife; of J. Ward Moorehouse, a poor, ambitious boy who married an heiress and became a public-relations power; of Eleanor Stoddard, Moorehouse's finicky mistress; of Janey Williams, secretary to Moorehouse and lover of one of America's labor leaders; and of Charley Anderson, awkward and hopeful, a guy on the loose. The lives of these people-passionate, self-willed, bursting with energy- crossed at a... Tovább


John Dos Passos' trilogy U.S.A. is "a cornerstone in modern American fiction." It has now been made avaiiable in three paper-bound volumes by Washington Square Press, Inc. Each of the three volumes-The 42nd Parallel, 1919 and The Big Money-is a complete and separate növel and each contains many illustrations by Reginald Marsh and an Introduction by Maxwell Geismar. ONE OF THE GREAT AMERICAN NOVELS BY ONE OF AMERICA'S GREATEST NOVELISTS The 42nd Parallel, by John Dos Passos, is a work of dazzling brilliance. It telis the story of Mac, an ideálist who fled to Mexico to escape his shrewish wife; of J. Ward Moorehouse, a poor, ambitious boy who married an heiress and became a public-relations power; of Eleanor Stoddard, Moorehouse's finicky mistress; of Janey Williams, secretary to Moorehouse and lover of one of America's labor leaders; and of Charley Anderson, awkward and hopeful, a guy on the loose. The lives of these people-passionate, self-willed, bursting with energy- crossed at a time when the United States was preparing for war. Their story is truly an American classic, part of "the most profound creative study of our cultural patterns given to us by an American novelist."* '"TJ^ / U *Maxwell Geismar o.s.f. L' / Vissza



John Dos Passos

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The 42nd Parallel The 42nd Parallel The 42nd Parallel The 42nd Parallel The 42nd Parallel The 42nd Parallel The 42nd Parallel

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