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The Mammoth Book of How It Happened Ancient Egypt


Kiadó: Robinson
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 519 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 20 cm x 13 cm
ISBN: 1-84119-640-1
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

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A beállítást mentettük,
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First-hand views of the ancient civilization that was lhe gift of the Nile' Using over 100 primary sources, this wonderful collection reveals how life was lived in Ancient Egypt, from the unification of the kingdoms in c. 3150BC to its conquest by Romé in 30BC. Here is a picture of the Egyptians as vividly colourful as their hieroglyphics, showing us their everyday labours, quarrels and love affairs, their marriage contracts and trials for tomb-robbery, together with eyewitness insights into great historical moments. Includes: • Egyptian magic and spells for the afterlife • Mummification and temple rites • The building of the temple at Karnak • Burials at the Valley of the Kings • How Cleopatra bewitched Antony • Pepi II and the dancing dwarf • Alexander the Great marchin? on to Egypt, • The palace coup of the priest Herihor • Hunting crocodiles on the Nile And much more. Three thousand years of history, culture and religion are represented here in a collage portrait of the land of... Tovább


First-hand views of the ancient civilization that was lhe gift of the Nile' Using over 100 primary sources, this wonderful collection reveals how life was lived in Ancient Egypt, from the unification of the kingdoms in c. 3150BC to its conquest by Romé in 30BC. Here is a picture of the Egyptians as vividly colourful as their hieroglyphics, showing us their everyday labours, quarrels and love affairs, their marriage contracts and trials for tomb-robbery, together with eyewitness insights into great historical moments. Includes: • Egyptian magic and spells for the afterlife • Mummification and temple rites • The building of the temple at Karnak • Burials at the Valley of the Kings • How Cleopatra bewitched Antony • Pepi II and the dancing dwarf • Alexander the Great marchin? on to Egypt, • The palace coup of the priest Herihor • Hunting crocodiles on the Nile And much more. Three thousand years of history, culture and religion are represented here in a collage portrait of the land of the Pharaohs. Vissza
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