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Break Up Your Fallow Ground

An Alternative Theology


Kiadó: Somhegyi Publishing and Printing Ltd.
Kiadás helye: Velence
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 255 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 15 cm
ISBN: 963-430-756-6
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This book is not like that... it is not a traditional book of sermons. According to József Farkas, "God is not like that...", not as He described in many confident proclamations. József Farkas does not claim to know better than others, but his interpretation of the Scriptures and his perspective on life urges us to think and to find new paths. He offers alternative solutions to go with traditional theology. And his solutions are not based on abstract ratiocination but on realisations that stem from the foundation of his own experience. Therefore I do not recommend this book to those who wish to see in print the pleasant old scriptural interpretations of their childhood, or who wish to conjure up the familiar spirit of their Calvinist heritage and devotion. It is for the searching souls, those who are ignorant of much and yet wish to find the truth. I recommend it to those who have grown weary of sermons threatening sinners with damnation, who have been hurt themselves by the... Tovább


This book is not like that... it is not a traditional book of sermons. According to József Farkas, "God is not like that...", not as He described in many confident proclamations. József Farkas does not claim to know better than others, but his interpretation of the Scriptures and his perspective on life urges us to think and to find new paths. He offers alternative solutions to go with traditional theology. And his solutions are not based on abstract ratiocination but on realisations that stem from the foundation of his own experience. Therefore I do not recommend this book to those who wish to see in print the pleasant old scriptural interpretations of their childhood, or who wish to conjure up the familiar spirit of their Calvinist heritage and devotion. It is for the searching souls, those who are ignorant of much and yet wish to find the truth. I recommend it to those who have grown weary of sermons threatening sinners with damnation, who have been hurt themselves by the judgement of the Church and who may be about to leave their congregations as a result. I recommend it to those who like the Bible and are not afraid to think about it or even to argue with somé of the thoughts that it voices. The first part of the book, "Spiritual Exercises", can be used as a sort of breviary: a short piece for each day providing food for thought, a subject for meditation. Those chapters can alsó be used for reading and discussion in small Bible study classes. The series of sermons and lectures in the second half of the book aid and inspire the work of theologians and ministers. The thoughts and talks of alternative theology were developed and voiced among us, in our congregation. Many of us are still sustained by them, they still influence our lives, still help us as we read and reread them. They are timely, healing teachings that deserve deep study - in them, we come face to face with the openness of God's love. Eszter Karsay Vissza


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