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5000 Ft
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London Symphony Orchestra

Antal Dorati/Byron Janis/Rimsky-Korsakoff/Tchaikovsky/Shostakovich/Thursday 21 May 8 pm at the Royal Festival/LSO Jubilee Season

Kapcsolódó személy

Kiadó: The London Symphony Orchestra Limited
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Tűzött kötés
Oldalszám: 20 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 20 cm
Megjegyzés: Néhány fekete-fehér fotóval, térképpel.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


You probably are, íf you are a regular viewer and have children to bring up as decent citizens.
Since 1955, and the coming of Indepen-dent Television, you have had a free choice between two channels to switch on, or off, at will. And if you 're a Londoner, with a multi-channel set, your most fre-quent choice is likely to be a Rediffusion programme. Viewing figures prove this.
We think we know what makes it. It is the attitűdé oi the people who create the programme. If they know their profes-sion, respect their public and can unité the majority of their audience in a satis-fying common experience, then each individual will respond at once, and be-come sympathetically involved with the
programme. If sympathetic ínvolvement is the test, Rediffusion, London, passes with flying colours.
30,000 viewers write to us every month, hundreds ring and several thousands ask to visit the stúdiós.
Rediffusion claims to give London the best of all television. Millions... Tovább


You probably are, íf you are a regular viewer and have children to bring up as decent citizens.
Since 1955, and the coming of Indepen-dent Television, you have had a free choice between two channels to switch on, or off, at will. And if you 're a Londoner, with a multi-channel set, your most fre-quent choice is likely to be a Rediffusion programme. Viewing figures prove this.
We think we know what makes it. It is the attitűdé oi the people who create the programme. If they know their profes-sion, respect their public and can unité the majority of their audience in a satis-fying common experience, then each individual will respond at once, and be-come sympathetically involved with the
programme. If sympathetic ínvolvement is the test, Rediffusion, London, passes with flying colours.
30,000 viewers write to us every month, hundreds ring and several thousands ask to visit the stúdiós.
Rediffusion claims to give London the best of all television. Millions of London-ers confirm this nightly. Simply by looking in they transform their channel into the largest fórum of entertainment and the most important source of opinion in the Greater London area.
This concert is sponsored by Rediffusion, London, in keeping with our intention to support directly those aspects of The Arts which cannot always find a place in television programme schedules. Vissza
Megvásárolható példányok
London Symphony Orchestra London Symphony Orchestra London Symphony Orchestra London Symphony Orchestra London Symphony Orchestra

A borító enyhén kopott, foltos.

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