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The Best American Short Stories 1990


Kiadó: Houghton Mifflin Company
Kiadás helye: Boston
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Vászon
Oldalszám: 426 oldal
Sorozatcím: The Best American Short Stories
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 14 cm
ISBN: 0-395-54409-2
Megjegyzés: További kapcsolódó személyek a kötetben.
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North America's oldest and best-selling annual short fiction anthology continues with an outstanding collection selected by Richard Ford, the eminent novelist, short story writer, and essayist. Ford presents the collection in a candid, thoughtful introduction, in which he examines the elusive nature of the short story form and concludes that "what we want from stories, of course, is to have eternal passion revealed in that heart where before all seemed known and discovered."
The Best American Short Stories 1990 brings together twenty "little miracles," strong and affecting stories by such well-known writers as Alice Munro, Madison Smartt Bell, Lorrie Moore, and Richard Bausch, in addition to several by distinctive newcomers, including Christopher Tilghman, C. S. Godshalk, Dennis McFarland, and Siri Hustvedt. The diverse stories are culled from a wide range of sources, from such large-circulation magazines as The Atlantic Monthly and The New Yorker to smaller literary journals:... Tovább


North America's oldest and best-selling annual short fiction anthology continues with an outstanding collection selected by Richard Ford, the eminent novelist, short story writer, and essayist. Ford presents the collection in a candid, thoughtful introduction, in which he examines the elusive nature of the short story form and concludes that "what we want from stories, of course, is to have eternal passion revealed in that heart where before all seemed known and discovered."
The Best American Short Stories 1990 brings together twenty "little miracles," strong and affecting stories by such well-known writers as Alice Munro, Madison Smartt Bell, Lorrie Moore, and Richard Bausch, in addition to several by distinctive newcomers, including Christopher Tilghman, C. S. Godshalk, Dennis McFarland, and Siri Hustvedt. The diverse stories are culled from a wide range of sources, from such large-circulation magazines as The Atlantic Monthly and The New Yorker to smaller literary journals: Ploughshares and Granta, among others. In a special feature, the authors comment on the genesis of their stories. The result is an anthology that, as the Associated Press exclaimed of the 1988 volume, is "required reading for all readers and writers of American fiction."


Megvásárolható példányok
The Best American Short Stories 1990 The Best American Short Stories 1990 The Best American Short Stories 1990 The Best American Short Stories 1990

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