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Mastering the Art of Production with 3ds max 4 - CD-vel


Kiadó: Thomson Learning-Autodesk Press
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Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 630 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 23 cm x 19 cm
ISBN: 0-7668-3470-0
Megjegyzés: Színes és fekete-fehér illusztrációkkal. 1db CD-lemezzel. További kapcsolódó személyek a könyvben.
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Mastering the Art of Production with
3ds max™ 4
Jason Busby • Michele Bousquet
Discover how top artists model and animate with 3ds max™ 4 as you learn how to unlock the potential of this powerful software and produce your own high-quality computer animations! In Mastering the Art of Production with 3ds max 4, Jason Busby and Michele Bousquet present over 30 challenging and exciting tutorials that will allow readers to create an alien/moon rover animation scene and gain experience in the real-world production of a television commercial. In-depth discussion of the new 3ds max 4 animation controllers is featured, along with detailed coverage of how to deal with the complexities of character animation — from modeling, rigging, and texturing to Ul development for ease of animation. Various techniques are covered for power users and Technical Directors who are seeking to improve their productivity.
The essential guide to producing your own high-quality computer animations!... Tovább


Mastering the Art of Production with
3ds max™ 4
Jason Busby • Michele Bousquet
Discover how top artists model and animate with 3ds max™ 4 as you learn how to unlock the potential of this powerful software and produce your own high-quality computer animations! In Mastering the Art of Production with 3ds max 4, Jason Busby and Michele Bousquet present over 30 challenging and exciting tutorials that will allow readers to create an alien/moon rover animation scene and gain experience in the real-world production of a television commercial. In-depth discussion of the new 3ds max 4 animation controllers is featured, along with detailed coverage of how to deal with the complexities of character animation — from modeling, rigging, and texturing to Ul development for ease of animation. Various techniques are covered for power users and Technical Directors who are seeking to improve their productivity.
The essential guide to producing your own high-quality computer animations!
• Step-by-step instructions for executing the most basic 3ds max 4 commands are included for the benefit of readers who may be new to the software and/or working independently.
• Advanced tutorials offer opportunities to use the most sophisticated 3ds max 4 commands, enabling readers to produce their own professional-quality animations.
• The CD-ROM included with the book contains ready-made models and materials for use in completing the
Also Available from Autodesk Press: The 3ds max™ 4 Quick Reference,
by Michele Bousquet, Order # 0-7668-3888-9 Harnessing 3D Studio MAX® Release 3, by Michele Bousquet, Order # 0-7668-0576-X 3ds max™ 4: Ground Rules,
by Michael Todd Peterson, Order # 0-7668-3783-1
Mastering the Art of Production with 3ds max™ 4
Introductory Intermediate Advanced
tutorials, as well as additional models and AVI files to spark readers' creativity.
• A useful guide to MAX buttons is located in the appendix and on the CD-ROM.
About the Authors: Jason Busby is the Director of Animation at the Renaissance Center in Dickson, TN. He developed and implemented the center's world-renowned animation training facility, as well as structuring a professional animation production house. Jason utilizes his skills as a highly trained animator and instructor by running his training and production houses with a "hands on" philosophy. He is a Certified Discreet Instructor, as well as a Certified Alias|wavefront Instructor. Michele Bousquet is the owner of Many Worlds Productions, an online shop specializing in hard-to-find items for 3D Studio MAX and Character Studio® users. She is also a 1983 computer science graduate of McGill University, and winner of the 3D Magazine Big Kahuna 2000 award in training/education.
Bookshelf Categories: Animation, Computer Graphics, Web Development Vissza


Megvásárolható példányok
Mastering the Art of Production with 3ds max 4 - CD-vel Mastering the Art of Production with 3ds max 4 - CD-vel Mastering the Art of Production with 3ds max 4 - CD-vel Mastering the Art of Production with 3ds max 4 - CD-vel Mastering the Art of Production with 3ds max 4 - CD-vel Mastering the Art of Production with 3ds max 4 - CD-vel Mastering the Art of Production with 3ds max 4 - CD-vel

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