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Illusions and Realities

The Metamorphosis of Civil Society in a New European Space


Kiadó: Savaria University Press
Kiadás helye: Szombathely
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott kemény kötés
Oldalszám: 302 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 15 cm
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

A beállítást mentettük,
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A beállítást mentettük,
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This is a book of challenging questions. Is East Central Europe a reality or an illusion? Is it a political and/or economic and/or cultural entity? What has happened in Eastern Central Europe since 1989? Was 1989 a revolution or not? Is it an "unfinished" revolution? What role have the Polish, Czech and Hungarian civil societies played in the process of transition? What kind of New European Order is emerging today? Can the gap between Western and Eastern Europe be closed? What are the alternative strategies of European security? Is reconciliation between East European nations (including the Balkans) possible? Can European citizenship and a European civil society be created? [ ] Which road leads to Europe for the Central and Eastern European countries? Which road leads to a Europe of more freedom, more justice, more security? [ ] The author's recommendation is to take the "N-th" road, the road to genuine, "social" democracy, to cooperation and social responsibility, to a Popperian... Tovább


This is a book of challenging questions. Is East Central Europe a reality or an illusion? Is it a political and/or economic and/or cultural entity? What has happened in Eastern Central Europe since 1989? Was 1989 a revolution or not? Is it an "unfinished" revolution? What role have the Polish, Czech and Hungarian civil societies played in the process of transition? What kind of New European Order is emerging today? Can the gap between Western and Eastern Europe be closed? What are the alternative strategies of European security? Is reconciliation between East European nations (including the Balkans) possible? Can European citizenship and a European civil society be created? [ ] Which road leads to Europe for the Central and Eastern European countries? Which road leads to a Europe of more freedom, more justice, more security? [ ] The author's recommendation is to take the "N-th" road, the road to genuine, "social" democracy, to cooperation and social responsibility, to a Popperian open society complemented with the Habermasian communicative dimension, Dahrendorf's "ligature", and with the "creative chaos" of civil society.
Elemér Hankiss Vissza


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