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Twice So Fair


Kiadó: Random House
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott kemény papírkötés
Oldalszám: 219 oldal
Sorozatcím: Random House - Novel of Suspence
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 14 cm
ISBN: 0-394-47186-5
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Twice So Fair DyNedralyre Rosalind Wells' world was torn apart with the death of her husband, Matthew. His body had been found, asphyxiated, in the studio of one of his co-ed students. Rosalind was tortured by more than grief. Was this history repeating itself? Had her husband fallen in love with a student just as he had once done with her when she was a student? Rosalind and Matthew had waited six years for the fulfillment of their love, waited until the death of his invalid wife. They had not been lovers, but they had known they were in love. Had he loved Jeanette Sloan? Was that why he had been in her studio? Rosalind has a deep reluctance to discover the truth, but she knows that she must find it if she is ever to achieve peace of mind. She visits Jeanette Sloan's mother, talks to her classmates, and finally meets a pathetic young man who had been in love with her. Rosalind becomes involved in his story, which is a tragic one, at first on a casual level, but eventually she is so... Tovább


Twice So Fair DyNedralyre Rosalind Wells' world was torn apart with the death of her husband, Matthew. His body had been found, asphyxiated, in the studio of one of his co-ed students. Rosalind was tortured by more than grief. Was this history repeating itself? Had her husband fallen in love with a student just as he had once done with her when she was a student? Rosalind and Matthew had waited six years for the fulfillment of their love, waited until the death of his invalid wife. They had not been lovers, but they had known they were in love. Had he loved Jeanette Sloan? Was that why he had been in her studio? Rosalind has a deep reluctance to discover the truth, but she knows that she must find it if she is ever to achieve peace of mind. She visits Jeanette Sloan's mother, talks to her classmates, and finally meets a pathetic young man who had been in love with her. Rosalind becomes involved in his story, which is a tragic one, at first on a casual level, but eventually she is so deeply involved in his fate that she even condones a murder she thinks he has committed. Gradually the truth about the boy, about his relationship with Jeanette Sloan emerges, and Rosalind at last can find hope for her own future happiness. A unique quality of suspense, understated and almost unbearable, animates this superbly written növel.
Tenant for the Tomh, by anthony gilbert The unorthodox but highly successful Arthur Crook is involved in protecting a middle-aged lady both from a charge of murder and murder-a marvelously eccentric, endearing woman who believes in the simple truth and almost dies for her pains. - ~ f The staiKer, by bill pronzini Eleven years after the daring heist of $750,000 from an armored truck, the ex-Air Force hotheads guilty of the crime begin to be picked off one by one. This is the story of how the last one survives. Photographs Have Been sent to Your Wife, by philip loraine A successful English television personality's life is ruined by the submission of sexually incriminating photographs to his wife and boss, and he grimly follows slight clues on the trail of his unknown persecutor. "You'll read it until every photograph has been developed."-The Kirkus Services siaygroundp by richard stark Starring Parker, the coldly methodical anti-hero of a dozen previous novels, this stripped-down story justifies the late Anthony Bőucher's comment, in the New York Times, that "nobody tops Stark in his objective portrayals of a world of totál amorality." QQ Vissza

Nedra Tyre

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Twice So Fair Twice So Fair Twice So Fair Twice So Fair Twice So Fair

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