
kiadvánnyal nyújtjuk Magyarország legnagyobb antikvár könyv-kínálatát

A kosaram
5000 Ft
a(z) 5000Ft-os

Be a Yogi


Kiadó: Magyar Országos Jóga Unió
Kiadás helye: Budapest
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Tűzött kötés
Oldalszám: 63 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 15 cm x 11 cm
ISBN: 978-963-89330-3-4
Megjegyzés: Színes fotókkal.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


mp Yoga in Daily Life® is a worldwide not-for-profit humanitar- ^pgj^ ian organisation, established in 1976 by Paramhans Swami .^g^jj^fe Maheshwarananda in Vienna. The Association's activities are ^fiRCft^ aimed to serve humankind by fostering a wholistic development and integrál health, tolerance, respect and freedom l^f™!^" among relígions, cultures and nations, world peace, humanitarian aid, protection of the environment and all creatures. Dr. Sadhvi Shanti Puri, president of the Society, has assembled and edited this booklet. Jjj|| The SRi SWAMI MADHAVANANDA AUSTRIA HOSPITÁL is a ¦ ;¦ ¦ m-bed altopathic and naturopathic hospitál being con!!|| structed in jadan by OM Vishwa Deep Gurukul Sri Swami | Maheshwarananda Ashram in conjunction with the Society I | "Austria Hospitál in India" from Vienna, Austria. 1 An architectural masterpiece with plinth area of 1134 sq.m. the hospitál is unique star-shaped comptex, representing the Anahata chakra (the heart chakra or energy centre).... Tovább


mp Yoga in Daily Life® is a worldwide not-for-profit humanitar- ^pgj^ ian organisation, established in 1976 by Paramhans Swami .^g^jj^fe Maheshwarananda in Vienna. The Association's activities are ^fiRCft^ aimed to serve humankind by fostering a wholistic development and integrál health, tolerance, respect and freedom l^f™!^" among relígions, cultures and nations, world peace, humanitarian aid, protection of the environment and all creatures. Dr. Sadhvi Shanti Puri, president of the Society, has assembled and edited this booklet. Jjj|| The SRi SWAMI MADHAVANANDA AUSTRIA HOSPITÁL is a ¦ ;¦ ¦ m-bed altopathic and naturopathic hospitál being con!!|| structed in jadan by OM Vishwa Deep Gurukul Sri Swami | Maheshwarananda Ashram in conjunction with the Society I | "Austria Hospitál in India" from Vienna, Austria. 1 An architectural masterpiece with plinth area of 1134 sq.m. the hospitál is unique star-shaped comptex, representing the Anahata chakra (the heart chakra or energy centre). This symbol - originating from Vedic culture represent healing, compassion and humanitarian care. It captures the spirit of the hospital's role in this remote rural community, which has been without adequate medical care.

Contact: Organisation AUSTRIA HOSPITÁL IN INDIA A * Registered Charity No: III-1513 jfHBL Am Modenapark 4/7/23, , UlilL** 1030 V.enna, Austna Email: office@helphospital.org H' f- gfe^iiB www.helphospital.org fT Donateto: Verein "Austria « . Hospitál in India" Acc.NO. Euró: 5.148.085., BSC:32ooo, RLB Noe-Wien AG, Austria BIC (=SWIFT): RLNWATWW, IBAN. AT96 3200 0000 0514 8085 'ak A fif ÍT^" Acc.NO. Euró: 701-05.148.085., BSC:32ooo, RLB Noe-Wien AG, Austria BIC (=SWIFT): RLNWATWW, IBAN. AT94 3200 0701 0514 8085 Vissza

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