
kiadvánnyal nyújtjuk Magyarország legnagyobb antikvár könyv-kínálatát

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5000 Ft
a(z) 5000Ft-os

Ancient Tales and Folklore of Japan


Kiadó: B. Mitchell
Kiadás helye: Toronto
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött keménykötés
Oldalszám: 360 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 23 cm x 16 cm
ISBN: 0-946495-78-5
Megjegyzés: Színes reprodukciókkal.
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62 illustrations in colour by Japanese artists.
his book is a treasure trove of ancient orientál life. The author, R. Gordon Smith spent nine years in Japan searching for rare and beautiful objects for the British Museum and, during this time, he came in contact with people from all walks of life and he wrote down all the stories and legends that he was told. Many romantic tales are told of the intrepid Europeans who travelled the Orient in search of plants, Forrest and 'Chinese' Wilson are names familiar to every gardener and botanist in the country, but the treasures found and recorded by R. Gordon Smith are equal to the finest magnólia ever gathered in the furthest province of Yunan.
It contains the legendary tales of a whole civilisation. Japan was a warrior nation and many of the stories are of the samurai and the famous warriors of the past but there are many stories alsó of lőve and passión while strange ghosts and eerie... Tovább


62 illustrations in colour by Japanese artists.
his book is a treasure trove of ancient orientál life. The author, R. Gordon Smith spent nine years in Japan searching for rare and beautiful objects for the British Museum and, during this time, he came in contact with people from all walks of life and he wrote down all the stories and legends that he was told. Many romantic tales are told of the intrepid Europeans who travelled the Orient in search of plants, Forrest and 'Chinese' Wilson are names familiar to every gardener and botanist in the country, but the treasures found and recorded by R. Gordon Smith are equal to the finest magnólia ever gathered in the furthest province of Yunan.
It contains the legendary tales of a whole civilisation. Japan was a warrior nation and many of the stories are of the samurai and the famous warriors of the past but there are many stories alsó of lőve and passión while strange ghosts and eerie gods stalk like spectres through the pages.
As the author says in his preface he is at pains in this book to give a mixture of stories: stories of mountains, trees and flowers, of passión, history and legend. Anyone reading this book will savour the Japanese mythology and way of life.
But above all the author telis of lőve, the universal passión that can be understood in every country and every language in the world.
The book is accompanied by the most marvellous colour plates taken directly from Japanese artists. They above all else convey the flavour of this truly wonderful book. Vissza


1. The Golden Hairpin i
2. The Spirit of the Willow Tree . . . . .12
3. Ghost of the vlolet well 19
4. Ghost Story of the Flute's Tömb 27
5. A Haunted Temple in Inaba Province . . -36
6. A Carp gives a Lesson in Perseverance 44
7. Legends told by a Fisherman on Laké Biwa, at Zeze . 47
8. A Miraculous Sword 56
9. 'The Procession of Ghosts' . . . . . .61
10. A Faithful Servant 65
11. Prince Hosokawa's Most Valuable Title-Deeds . . 71
12. The Story of Kato Sayemon 75
13. Great Fire caused by a Lady's Dress 82
14. History of Awoto Fujitsuna . . . . . .88
15. A Life saved by a Spider and Two Doves . . 91
16. Murakami Yoshiteru's Faithfulness 96
17. A Story of Oki Islands iQI
18. Cape of the Woman's Sword . . . . . .110
Ancient Tales and Folklore of Japán
19. How Yogodayu won a Battle
20. The Isolated or Desolated Island . . . .120
21. Chikubu Island, Laké Biwa . . . . , .126
22. Reincarnation . . . . . . . .132
23. The Diving-Woman of Oiso Bay 136
24. Theft and Recovery of a Golden Kwannon . -H4
25. Saigyo Hoshi's Rock 150
26. How Masakuni regained his Sight . . . .157
27. Sagami Bay 162
28. The King of Torijima 168
29. The Perpetual Life-Giving Wjne 178
30. The Hermit's Cave 183
31. Yosoji's Camellja Tree 189
32. Whales 196
33. The Holy Cherry Tree of Musubi-no-Kami Temple . 202
34. A Story of Mount Kanzanrei 208
35. White Bone Mountain 215
36. A Stormy Night's Tragedy 223
37. The Kakemono Ghost of Aki Province . . . .231
38. White Saké 239
39. The Blind Beauty 245
40. The Secret of Iidamachi Pond . . . . -253
41. The Spjrit of Yenoki 259
42. The Spirit of the Lotus Lily 267
43. The Temple of the Awabi 274
44. Humán Fireflies 282
5. The Chrysanthemum Hermit 287
6. The Princess Peony . . . . . . .291
7. The Memorial Cherry Tree 297
8. The 'Jirohei' Cherry Tree, Kyoto 302
9. The Snow Ghost . 307
0. The Snow Tomb . . . . . . . .312
1. The Dragon-Shaped Pi.um Tree . . . . -319
2. The Chessboard Cherry Tree 326
3. The Precious Sword 'Natori No Hoto' . . . 331
4. The White Serpent God . . . . . 336
5. A Festival of the Awabi Fish 341
6. The Spirit of a Willow Tree saves Family Honour . 346
7. The Camphor Tree Tomb . . . . -352

Richard Gordon Smith

Richard Gordon Smith műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Richard Gordon Smith könyvek, művek
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