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Fallen Eagle

A Sas bukása - The Last Days of the Third Reich


Kiadó: Caxton Editions
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött kemény papírkötés
Oldalszám: 282 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 16 cm
ISBN: 1-84067-154-8
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér fotókkal.
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After more than four years of totál war the armies of Europe were deeply weary. The Allies were determined to end the war in Europe quickly and with as little bloodshed as possible. But the Germans, though they could see the war was lost, were by no means prepared to yield. Indeed, the fighting during 1945 was to be somé of the bitterest of the war. In the East, Stalin's mighty war machine began its great offensive. Beginning in swirling fog and snow, the Soviet steamroller crashed through the Germán lines on the Vistula, 125 miles south of Warsaw. Soon Russian armoured columns were driving across the Polish plain towards the Oder, Germany's historic frontier with the East, creating panic in East Prussia. In the West, Eisenhower and Montgomery joined the race to destroy the heart of Nazi Germany and defend Europe against Stalin's vaulting ambition. So began one of the most crucial years in the history of the world which was to climax in the desperate battle for Berlin. The gripping... Tovább


After more than four years of totál war the armies of Europe were deeply weary. The Allies were determined to end the war in Europe quickly and with as little bloodshed as possible. But the Germans, though they could see the war was lost, were by no means prepared to yield. Indeed, the fighting during 1945 was to be somé of the bitterest of the war. In the East, Stalin's mighty war machine began its great offensive. Beginning in swirling fog and snow, the Soviet steamroller crashed through the Germán lines on the Vistula, 125 miles south of Warsaw. Soon Russian armoured columns were driving across the Polish plain towards the Oder, Germany's historic frontier with the East, creating panic in East Prussia. In the West, Eisenhower and Montgomery joined the race to destroy the heart of Nazi Germany and defend Europe against Stalin's vaulting ambition. So began one of the most crucial years in the history of the world which was to climax in the desperate battle for Berlin. The gripping story of the final days of the Third Reich is told in graphic detail - the unfolding drama revealed through the eyes of soldier and civilian, priváté, generál and refugee. In a sweeping panorama, which finds room for the individual humán drama within the broad sweep of battle, Robin Cross paints an unforgettable picture of a world in chaos. By the end of 1945, Europe had new frontiers, friends had become deadly enemies and an uneasy peace threatened to transform Cold War into a third world war. This is the story of how the Eagle was finally toppled from the roof of the Berlin chancellery and the Russian bear stretched out its claws to seize a Europe laid waste. Vissza



Robin Cross

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Fallen Eagle Fallen Eagle Fallen Eagle Fallen Eagle Fallen Eagle

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