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Short Shorts

An Anthology of the Shortest Stories


Kiadó: Bantam Books
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 205 oldal
Sorozatcím: Bantam Books-Anthology
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 11 cm
ISBN: 0-553-27440-6
Megjegyzés: További szerzők a kötetben.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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Short Shorts Short Shorts is a delightful anthology of miniatűré masterpieces. Here are thirty-eight brief, brilliant flashes of fiction, both classic and contemporary. Each work is superb, intense, and speaks to the humán condition in a profound, often provocative way-a truly outstanding collection by somé of the world's greatest authors. Leo Tolstoy • Heinrich von Kleist • Gottfried Keller • Anton Chekhov • Giovanni Verga • Stephen Crane • Guy de Maupassant • Joáo Guimaraes Rosa • Sholom Aleichem • I.L. Peretz • James Joyce • D.H. Lawrence • Luigi Pirandello • Franz Kafka • Sherwood Anderson • Ernest Hemingway ®Giuseppe di Lampedusa* Katherine Anne Porter • Isaac Bábel • Mikhail Zoschenko • William Carlos Williams - Yukio Mishima • James Thurber • Doris Lessing • Jorge Luis Borges • Variam Slialamov • Octavio Paz • Jerome Weidman • Grace Paley • Gábriel García Márquez • Augusto Monterroso • Heinrich Böll • Paula Fox • Maria Luisa Kaschnitz • Luisa Valenzuela • With an Introduction... Tovább


Short Shorts Short Shorts is a delightful anthology of miniatűré masterpieces. Here are thirty-eight brief, brilliant flashes of fiction, both classic and contemporary. Each work is superb, intense, and speaks to the humán condition in a profound, often provocative way-a truly outstanding collection by somé of the world's greatest authors. Leo Tolstoy • Heinrich von Kleist • Gottfried Keller • Anton Chekhov • Giovanni Verga • Stephen Crane • Guy de Maupassant • Joáo Guimaraes Rosa • Sholom Aleichem • I.L. Peretz • James Joyce • D.H. Lawrence • Luigi Pirandello • Franz Kafka • Sherwood Anderson • Ernest Hemingway ®Giuseppe di Lampedusa* Katherine Anne Porter • Isaac Bábel • Mikhail Zoschenko • William Carlos Williams - Yukio Mishima • James Thurber • Doris Lessing • Jorge Luis Borges • Variam Slialamov • Octavio Paz • Jerome Weidman • Grace Paley • Gábriel García Márquez • Augusto Monterroso • Heinrich Böll • Paula Fox • Maria Luisa Kaschnitz • Luisa Valenzuela • With an Introduction by Irving Howe Vissza


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