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The Leaning Tower of Babel and Other Affronts by the Underground Grammarian


Kiadó: Little, Brown and Company
Kiadás helye: Boston
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Varrott keménykötés
Oldalszám: 279 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 15 cm
ISBN: 0-316-57509-7
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér illusztrációkkal.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

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A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


The Leaning Tower of Bábel Mitchell's readers say it - "If others could offer as much insight into politics and economics as Richárd Mitchell does into education, we might find the path to world peace and prosperity. Of course, if more people would heed the Underground Grammarian's advice, our future leaders might actually learn something useful about politics and economics." - Bob Verdun "... a master diagnostician of the current grave disease in education. His commonsense solutions for the rehabilitation of our schools are worthy of the attention of parents, students, administrators, educators, government officials, and all concerned citizens. Reading his essays is not only enlightening, but thoroughly enjoyable." - Lois De Bakey "The Underground Grammarian often makes me writhe with self-doubt and guilt, yet masochistically I ingest each issue. Without it, life might be worth living again, but much more boring. UG is never polite, never gentle, never nice, and never dull." - Roy... Tovább


The Leaning Tower of Bábel Mitchell's readers say it - "If others could offer as much insight into politics and economics as Richárd Mitchell does into education, we might find the path to world peace and prosperity. Of course, if more people would heed the Underground Grammarian's advice, our future leaders might actually learn something useful about politics and economics." - Bob Verdun "... a master diagnostician of the current grave disease in education. His commonsense solutions for the rehabilitation of our schools are worthy of the attention of parents, students, administrators, educators, government officials, and all concerned citizens. Reading his essays is not only enlightening, but thoroughly enjoyable." - Lois De Bakey "The Underground Grammarian often makes me writhe with self-doubt and guilt, yet masochistically I ingest each issue. Without it, life might be worth living again, but much more boring. UG is never polite, never gentle, never nice, and never dull." - Roy Meador Vissza



Richard Mitchell

Richard Mitchell műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Richard Mitchell könyvek, művek
Megvásárolható példányok
The Leaning Tower of Babel and Other Affronts by the Underground Grammarian The Leaning Tower of Babel and Other Affronts by the Underground Grammarian The Leaning Tower of Babel and Other Affronts by the Underground Grammarian The Leaning Tower of Babel and Other Affronts by the Underground Grammarian

A védőborító enyhén foltos.

4.480 Ft
2.240 ,-Ft 50
11 pont kapható