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The Road to Science Fiction 1.

Út a science fiction-hoz - From Gilgamesh to Wells/Gilgamestől Wells-ig


Kiadó: New American Library
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 404 oldal
Sorozatcím: Mentor Books
Kötetszám: ME1850
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 11 cm
ISBN: 0-451-61850-5
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BETWEEN AN ANCIENT ROMAN'S TRIP TO THE MOON AND THE KANTASTIC TALES OF H.G. WELLS... lies a journey through time and space and an awesome evolution in scientific, artistic, and social thinking. From Gilgamesh's search for immortality to Lucian's odyssey on the moon; from Jonathan Swift's hilarious satire on scientists in GULLIVER'S TRAVELS to Mary Shelleys horrifying description of a scientist who has gone too far in FRANKENSTEIN; from Edgár Allan Poe's balloon trip in the year 2848 to Jules Verne's prophecies of the impact of scientific inventions on future civilization; from Edward Bellamy's utópián escape from the Industrial Revolution to H.G. Wells's magnificent story of Earth threatened by an inescapable menace - here are the chief ancestors of the modern science fiction story. For the first time, these and other key works are gathered together in one anthology, complete with revealing commentary on the authors, their eras, and the role each played in establishing what we today... Tovább


BETWEEN AN ANCIENT ROMAN'S TRIP TO THE MOON AND THE KANTASTIC TALES OF H.G. WELLS... lies a journey through time and space and an awesome evolution in scientific, artistic, and social thinking. From Gilgamesh's search for immortality to Lucian's odyssey on the moon; from Jonathan Swift's hilarious satire on scientists in GULLIVER'S TRAVELS to Mary Shelleys horrifying description of a scientist who has gone too far in FRANKENSTEIN; from Edgár Allan Poe's balloon trip in the year 2848 to Jules Verne's prophecies of the impact of scientific inventions on future civilization; from Edward Bellamy's utópián escape from the Industrial Revolution to H.G. Wells's magnificent story of Earth threatened by an inescapable menace - here are the chief ancestors of the modern science fiction story. For the first time, these and other key works are gathered together in one anthology, complete with revealing commentary on the authors, their eras, and the role each played in establishing what we today recognize as science fiction. Vissza


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