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Angol nyelvkönyv I.


Kiadó: Tankönyvkiadó
Kiadás helye: Budapest
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Vászon
Oldalszám: 639 oldal
Sorozatcím: Tanuljunk nyelveket!
Nyelv: Magyar   Angol  
Méret: 20 cm x 15 cm
ISBN: 963-17-1605-8
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér illusztrációkkal. Tankönyvi szám: 5694/I.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról
Értesítőt kérek a sorozatról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


Néhány tanács a könyv használatához14
English by stealth16
Part One
I am/you are/he she it is/ - a/an - Who/What? - Come in16
Episode One - Say "Pardon" - Oliver - Here's a Knife
Put it on the table - What is it like?31
Episode Two - Tell Joe to shut the door - Make a list, please
Tell Fred to come in - Az angol ábécé44
Episode Three - In the study - The Plan - The photo
Főnevek többes száma - this/these - they/them56
Episode Four - Henry's flat - The Lee family
have got - Henry's flat66
Episode Five - You're the new gardener - Answer my questions - What have they got in their house?
my/his/her/its/your/their - Whose? - Don't come back - Tell Fred not to come back79
Episode Six - What are they doing? - In the street - Mr Lee's going out - Find the right key
Present Continuous - can - Let's start - we/our92
Episode Seven - Is anybody in the kitchen? - The transistor - Let's eat
some/any - "of" szerkezet111
Episode Eight - It was behind the spot - They were in his bedroom - The scarf
was/were - could - me/you/him/her/it
Episode Nine - What did you see in the house? - The first part of Fred's story
Past Simple - us139
Episode Ten - The Second part of Fred's story - Nobody noticed us
Give me the bag - Sorszámnevek
Episode Eleven - You've got to be careful - I'm not going to get up - She's going to give a party
have got to - is going to164
Part Two
Test One176
Episode Twelve - From Tuesday night to Wednesday morning - He doesn't like water - He doesn't believe me
Present Simple186
Episode Thirteen - Joe wasn't hungry - Near the museum there's a pub - At the bus stop
there is/are201
Episode Fourteen - You must work here - I usually get up at eleven
must - Gyakoriságot kifejező határozók - Question tag215
Episode Fifteen - You mustn't go there - Joe's writing a letter, too
Episode Sixteen - How many bottles? - The butcher was a big man
many/much/little/few - shall I/we241
Episode Seventeen - Will you help me Jane, please? - The scarf again - It's not mine
Will you? - mine/yours/here/ours/theirs - Give it to me253
Episode Eighteen - Answer the phone, please - Stanley Dickson speaking
Past Continuous267
Episode Nineteen - The man won't wait - She'll lend me the money
Future Simple - if + Present Simple280
Episode Twenty - The walkie-talkie worked - What have you done? - Why don't you answer?
Present Perfect293
Episode Twenty-One - I've arranged everything - The man at the travel agency - Bad luck at Victoria
Part Three
Test Two323
Episode Twonty-Two - Whose car? - The department store - The conversation in the shop - Gwen and Dick
Episode Twenty-Three - The play was terrible - Voices behind the door - The quarrel
Vonatkozó névmások - I saw them go347
Episode Twenty-Four - Meet Inspector Milligan - The invitation - Hunter's report - Milligan reads the records
Present Perfect Continuous - since/for361
Episode Twenty-Five - The bus journey - On the tube - Dick's plan
be able to + infinitive - I saw him going374
Episode Twenty-Six - The party - Stan wants to know where Dick is - Everybody was having a good time - Two shots
Függő kérdés - may388
Episode Twenty-Seven - Voices in the dark - Stan reports - The conversation packing
Függő beszéd (segédigék, igeidő-egyeztetés) - might, would - "ing"401
Episode Twenty-Eight - The envelopes at the station - Porter in the train - On board - The cross channel boat
Függő beszéd (Present és Past Simple) - I don't know what to do - should414
Episode Twenty-Nine - Joe wasn't telling the truth - At the spanish customs - "I ought to arrest you"
Past Perfect - Past Perfect Continuous - ought to/should428
Episode Thirty - Everybody in Barcelona - At the Grand Hotel - Mr Pickup's first visitors - Gwen and Dick - Milligan arrives - Stan - Poor Joe
Test Three459
Nyelvtani összefoglaló469
Az angol ábécé469
A főnév (The Noun)472
A determinánsok (Determinatives)475
A névmások (The Pronouns)479
A melléknév (The Adjective)490
Számnevek (Numerals)491
Az ige (The Verb)493
Az igeidők és azok használata511
Elöljárószók (The Prepositions)542
Határozószók (Adverbs)546
Mondattípusok (Sentence Patterns)548
English-Hungarian Vocabulary574
Nyelvtani mutató636
Megvásárolható példányok
Angol nyelvkönyv I. Angol nyelvkönyv I. Angol nyelvkönyv I. Angol nyelvkönyv I.

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