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Becoming Adult

How Teenagers Prepare for the World of Work


Kiadó: Basic Books
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 289 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 20 cm x 14 cm
ISBN: 0-465-01541-7
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A beállítást mentettük,
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How d(i voung people emision their future careers? What cm families. schools. and eonununities do to help teenagers develop liabits and values that will !*> useful in tlieir oeeupational lives? W'hat do teenagers think about their sehooling and after-school work, and how do these experiences affeet their passage to aduit work? In this groundbreaking hook. psyehologist Milialv CsikszentmihaKi and sociologist Barbara Schneider draw on a unique longitudinal stiuh to reveal how adolescents develop attitudes, skill and expectations about their aduit careers. CsikszentmihaKi and Schneider examined an unusually broad cross-section of educational institutions-ranging írom a magnet school famous for training elite scientific talent to inner-citv schools. The result is a suqirising and detailed portrait of the different wavs adolescents nianage the transition from school to work. For example, lovver income minoritv students are more positive about school than more affluent teens, and clear... Tovább


How d(i voung people emision their future careers? What cm families. schools. and eonununities do to help teenagers develop liabits and values that will !*> useful in tlieir oeeupational lives? W'hat do teenagers think about their sehooling and after-school work, and how do these experiences affeet their passage to aduit work? In this groundbreaking hook. psyehologist Milialv CsikszentmihaKi and sociologist Barbara Schneider draw on a unique longitudinal stiuh to reveal how adolescents develop attitudes, skill and expectations about their aduit careers. CsikszentmihaKi and Schneider examined an unusually broad cross-section of educational institutions-ranging írom a magnet school famous for training elite scientific talent to inner-citv schools. The result is a suqirising and detailed portrait of the different wavs adolescents nianage the transition from school to work. For example, lovver income minoritv students are more positive about school than more affluent teens, and clear vocational goals and work experienee do not gnarantee a smooth transition to aduit work. Becoming Aduit challenges conventional wisdom, with important implications for how we guide young people to prepare themsehes for the lives thev will lead in the years to eome Becoming Aduit is an important book. Tackling an area about which little is known-American adolescents and the world of work-the book provides valuable quantitative and qualitative findings, many of them surprising." -Howard Cardner, Co-Direetor, Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education, author of Intelligence Reframed Mihály Csikszentmihalyi (pronounced "CHICK-sent-me-high) is professorol psvchologv and education at Clareinont Graduate üniversitv. He is the author of a number of books, including the bestselling Flow, The Evohing Self. Creatkity. Being Adolescent, and Finding Flow. He is a member oí the National Acadeim of Education and the National Acadeiny of Leisure Sciences. A regular eontributor to magazines and newspapers. he has alsó published several short stories in The New Yorkér and translated fiction and poetrv from various languages. He lives ín Clareinont, California. Barbara Schneider is co-director of the Alfréd P. Sloan Center on Parents, Children and Work, and professor of sociolog\ at The Universitv of Chicago. Slie has eo-authored a number oí books including The Amhtíiotis Generálion and Transforming Schools. Slie lives in Chicago. Vissza


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