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The Open Society and its Enemies 2. (töredék)

A nyitott társadalom és ellenségei 2. - The High Tide of Prophecy: Hegel, Marx and the Aftermath/A próféciák dagálya: Hegel, Marx és az utóhatások


Kiadó: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 420 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 22 cm x 14 cm
ISBN: 0-415-05134-7
Megjegyzés: Töredék kötet.
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The Open Society and its Enemies
In two volumes: I. Plato II. Hegel and Marx
Bertrand Russell described this study, with its companion volume on Plato, as 'a work of first-class importance which ought to be widely read for its masterly criticism of the enemies of democracy, ancient and modern. His (Popper's) attack on Plato, while unorthodox, is in my opinion thoroughly justified. His analysis of Hegel is deadly. Marx is dissected with equal acumen, and given his due share of responsibility for modern misfortunes. The book is a vigorous and profound defence of democracy, timely, very interesting, and very well written.'
'A powerful and important book. It is a criticism of a set of dogmas which underlie the most influential political theories, and in consequence powerfully affect the actual conduct of human affairs. Dr Popper writes with extreme clarity and vigour. His studies in Greek history and Greek thought have obviously been profound and original. Platonic... Tovább


The Open Society and its Enemies
In two volumes: I. Plato II. Hegel and Marx
Bertrand Russell described this study, with its companion volume on Plato, as 'a work of first-class importance which ought to be widely read for its masterly criticism of the enemies of democracy, ancient and modern. His (Popper's) attack on Plato, while unorthodox, is in my opinion thoroughly justified. His analysis of Hegel is deadly. Marx is dissected with equal acumen, and given his due share of responsibility for modern misfortunes. The book is a vigorous and profound defence of democracy, timely, very interesting, and very well written.'
'A powerful and important book. It is a criticism of a set of dogmas which underlie the most influential political theories, and in consequence powerfully affect the actual conduct of human affairs. Dr Popper writes with extreme clarity and vigour. His studies in Greek history and Greek thought have obviously been profound and original. Platonic exegesis will never be the same again. Nor, I think, will Marxist exegesis. Readers should not miss studying the notes collected at the end of the two volumes.' —Gilbert Ryle, Mind
'This is a work of great interest and significance, stimulating and suggestive throughout. Dr Popper's virtues are manifold. He has a great fertility of ideas. Almost every sentence gives us something to think about.'—G. C. Field, Philosophy
Professor Sir Karl Popper was awarded the 1976 Lippincott Award of the American Political Science Association for The Open Society and Its Enemies. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society. Vissza



K. R. Popper

K. R. Popper műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: K. R. Popper könyvek, művek
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