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Kiadó: Grove Press
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Félvászon
Oldalszám: 532 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 16 cm
ISBN: 0-8021-1629-9
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"Burroughs belongs, all alone, to an Age of Reason, which he locates in the future____Like a classical satirist, Burroughs is dead serious-a reformer. Yet, as often happened with the classical satirists, a wild hilarity and savage pessimism carry him beyond his therapeutic purpose." - M A R Y McCARTHY "The only American novelist who may conceivably be possessed by genius." r- NORMAN MAILER "lt is amusing to read reviews of Burroughs that try to classify his books as nonbooks. It is a little like trying to criticize the sartorial a nd ve rbal manifestations of a man who is knocking on the door to explain that flames are leaping from the roof of our home." - MARSHALL McLUHAN "Burroughs' voice is hard, derisive, inventive, free, funny, serious, poetic, indelibly American, a voice in which one hears transistor radios and old movies and all the cliches and all the cons and a II the newspapers, all the peculiar optimism, all the failure." TJOAN D I D I O N "Burroughs is the greatest... Tovább


"Burroughs belongs, all alone, to an Age of Reason, which he locates in the future____Like a classical satirist, Burroughs is dead serious-a reformer. Yet, as often happened with the classical satirists, a wild hilarity and savage pessimism carry him beyond his therapeutic purpose." - M A R Y McCARTHY "The only American novelist who may conceivably be possessed by genius." r- NORMAN MAILER "lt is amusing to read reviews of Burroughs that try to classify his books as nonbooks. It is a little like trying to criticize the sartorial a nd ve rbal manifestations of a man who is knocking on the door to explain that flames are leaping from the roof of our home." - MARSHALL McLUHAN "Burroughs' voice is hard, derisive, inventive, free, funny, serious, poetic, indelibly American, a voice in which one hears transistor radios and old movies and all the cliches and all the cons and a II the newspapers, all the peculiar optimism, all the failure." TJOAN D I D I O N "Burroughs is the greatest satirical writer since Jonathan Swift." JACK KEROUAC "Burroughs seems to revei in a new médium...a médium totally fantastic, spaceless, timeless, in which the normál sentence is fractured, the cosmíc tries to push through the tawdry." - ANTHONY BURGESS "He's a writer of enormous richness whose books are a kind of attempt to blow up this cozy conspiracy, to allow us to see the truth." - J . G. B ALLARD Vissza

William S. Burroughs

William S. Burroughs műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: William S. Burroughs könyvek, művek
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