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Woden IV. (dedikált példány)

Thoughts & Perspectives


Kiadó: Black Front Press
Kiadás helye:
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Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 230 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 15 cm
ISBN: 978-1-84830-335-5
Megjegyzés: Troy Southgate szerkesztő által dedikált példány.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

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A beállítást mentettük,
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DESPITE having been at the forefront of our spiritual and cultural heritage,
Woden the All-Father - the mighty one-eyed hunter-god of the Northern
European peoples - has today been largely forgotten. This book examines
how, for many of us, Woden continues to live on in the blood and spirit of
our people. Indeed, regardless whether you happen to see Woden himself
as a divine power, an archetype, a symbol or just an allegory, this warrior
god of the Aesir was and remains a present and tangible force that can be
found at the very roots of our Indo-European identity. Subjects include
The Woden Mannerbunde; Woden As Archetype: The Carl Jung Essay;
Odin and Sleipnir; Woden: The God of the Cultic Warrior; War, Odin and
Valhalla; Woden in Mercia; Odin and the Faustian Imperative; Odin Among
the Angles; The Sacred Centre: Practical Wodenism in Light of Tradition;
Odinism: An Enlightened Perspective; and The Wotanic Ethos: Honour
Duty and the Survival of the Folk. The... Tovább


DESPITE having been at the forefront of our spiritual and cultural heritage,
Woden the All-Father - the mighty one-eyed hunter-god of the Northern
European peoples - has today been largely forgotten. This book examines
how, for many of us, Woden continues to live on in the blood and spirit of
our people. Indeed, regardless whether you happen to see Woden himself
as a divine power, an archetype, a symbol or just an allegory, this warrior
god of the Aesir was and remains a present and tangible force that can be
found at the very roots of our Indo-European identity. Subjects include
The Woden Mannerbunde; Woden As Archetype: The Carl Jung Essay;
Odin and Sleipnir; Woden: The God of the Cultic Warrior; War, Odin and
Valhalla; Woden in Mercia; Odin and the Faustian Imperative; Odin Among
the Angles; The Sacred Centre: Practical Wodenism in Light of Tradition;
Odinism: An Enlightened Perspective; and The Wotanic Ethos: Honour
Duty and the Survival of the Folk. The contributors are Troy Southgate,
K.R. Bolton, Mariella Shearer, Mark Mirabello, Wulf, Offa Whitesun, Eowyn,
Osred and Bjorn Grimgal.
Troy Southgate is from Crystal Palace, South London, and
has been an underground writer and activist for over 25
years. Elsewhere, he has been involved with over twenty
music projects including HERR, Seelenlicht, Mercurial Sea,
Von Thronstahl and many others. He is also Editor of the
Synthesis webzine, Organising Secretary of the New Right
and a long-suffering football supporter. He has also
coached and managed boys football teams at under-8 and
under-11 level, helping them go on to win local tournaments.
Troy has four children, all of whom are home-educated. Vissza


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